State Farm Select Service Agreement

State Farm Select Service Agreement: What You Need to Know

State Farm is one of the largest insurance companies in the United States, and they offer a range of services to their customers. One of these services is the State Farm Select Service Agreement. This agreement is designed to provide customers with access to a network of high-quality auto repair shops when they need to make a claim.

So, what exactly is the State Farm Select Service Agreement, and how does it work? Let’s take a closer look.

What is the State Farm Select Service Agreement?

The State Farm Select Service Agreement is a program that connects policyholders with a network of auto repair shops that have been pre-qualified by State Farm. These repair shops have been carefully vetted to ensure that they meet State Farm’s high standards for quality and customer service.

When a policyholder needs to make a claim for auto repairs, they can choose to work with a repair shop that is part of the State Farm Select Service network. This can be a convenient option for customers, as it allows them to have their repairs done by a trusted provider without having to shop around for a repair shop on their own.

How does the State Farm Select Service Agreement work?

If you are a State Farm policyholder and need to make a claim for auto repairs, you can contact State Farm to get the process started. They will work with you to determine the extent of the damage to your vehicle and to arrange for repairs.

When you work with a repair shop that is part of the State Farm Select Service network, you can expect to receive high-quality repairs that are backed by a lifetime guarantee. The repair shop will work directly with State Farm to make sure that the repairs are completed to your satisfaction and that all costs are covered by your policy.

Benefits of the State Farm Select Service Agreement

One of the main benefits of the State Farm Select Service Agreement is that it provides policyholders with access to a network of trusted repair shops. When you work with a repair shop that is part of the network, you can be confident that you are getting high-quality repairs that are backed by a lifetime guarantee.

In addition, working with a repair shop that is part of the State Farm Select Service network can be a convenient option for policyholders. Instead of having to spend time researching repair shops on their own, they can simply choose a shop that has already been vetted by State Farm.

Finally, the State Farm Select Service Agreement can also help ensure that policyholders receive fair and reasonable pricing for their repairs. Because the repair shops in the network have agreed to work with State Farm, they are required to follow certain pricing guidelines and standards.


If you are a State Farm policyholder and need to make a claim for auto repairs, the State Farm Select Service Agreement can provide you with a convenient and reliable option for getting your vehicle fixed. By working with a repair shop that is part of the network, you can be confident that you are getting high-quality repairs that are backed by a lifetime guarantee.

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